- Research Team
Updated: Mar 10, 2022
As part of the knowledge mobilization and symposium event for the research project titled “Closing the Opportunity Gap for Racialized and Under-Resourced Communities through the Community School Initiative,” we had a discussion with different panelists on building resilient communities by addressing the social determinants of learning.
The morning of the symposium, we launched the executive summary, findings, and recommendations from the research project led by Dr. Ardavan Eizadirad from the Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University. Panels with community members, students of the program, and the ministry and academia were held throughout the day. From these various perspectives, we discussed different aspects of community programming and how to mobilize to advance more equitable and socially just educational practices during and post pandemic.
Check out the YouTube videos below for the full highlights from the morning and afternoon sessions of the symposium.
Morning Session Highlights | Opening Remarks and Launch of the Report
Afternoon Session Highlights | Students and Parents Panel, and Leadership Panel
- Research Team
Updated: Mar 10, 2022
Click on the PDF to download the full report for The Community School Initiative Closing the Achievement Gap for Racialized and Under-Resourced Communities.
The report focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on learning loss and extracurricular programs, and explores how to close the achievement and opportunity gaps for Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC), and people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
- Research Team
Can you please share the attached Community School Initiative symposium details with your networks, social media, and various newsletters. This is a hybrid event being hosted on Saturday February 26, 2022 in Jane and Finch at 45 Norfinch Avenue (also live-streamed via Zoom and YouTube).
The EventBrite site is live for registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/closing-the-opportunity-gap-for-racialized-and-under-resourced-communities-tickets-270056846297
The stream will be live on the website as well: www.yaaace.com/live
The project findings will be launched on the YAAACE and Community School Initiative website on February 25: https://www.communityschoolinitiative.com/
The website also includes resources for various stakeholders including students and parents.
Below is a bit more about this SSHRC funded project. The Community School Initiative is a partnership between the Youth Association for Academics, Athletics, and Character Education (YAAACE) in the Jane and Finch community and Spirit of Math offering extra-curricular supplementary programs outside of school hours. The goal of the program is to close the opportunity gap for racialized and under-resourced communities. The program offers the Spirit of Math curriculum to students in grades two to eight supported by parents, coaches, and Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT) at a subsidized cost of $100 (compared to $3000 at regular price as a private sector service). The morning of the symposium, we are launching the executive summary, findings, and recommendations from the research project led by Dr. Ardavan Eizadirad from the Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University along with research assistants Sally Abudiab and Brice Baartman. Panels throughout the day will host various members from different sectors to discuss different aspects of community programming and how to mobilize to advance more equitable and socially just educational practices during and post pandemic.
We look forward to seeing you at the event. With love, respect, and gratitude.