Resources for Students
Understanding the Importance of Self-Care
This resource compiled by Jack.or is intended to be a short guide for students to help ensure they continue taking a holistic approach to self-care despite the uncertainty associated with COVID-19. With tips on how to implement different self-care practices, this three page resource will be helpful for anybody struggling with their well-being.
Reaching Out
This short resource provided by School Mental Health Ontario is designed to give students tips and recommendations on how to reach out to someone when they believe they are in need of help and support
Click on the icon for more resources for mental wellness while learning online.
Jane Finch Community and Family Centre
The Jane/Finch Centre offers youth programs that can support young people ages 13-29 to optimize their personal, social, and educational competency in order to achieve their full potential. Check out their website and explore the many different programs such as after school tutoring, workshops and training on skills, programs for newcomer youth and more.
Free Virtual Mental Health Counselling
What's Up Walk-In provides immediate mental health counselling for children, youth, young adults and their families, and families with infants. If you are a young person experiencing feelings of sadness, worry, or anger, are being bullied, are having fights with your parents, are suffering and feel like you might hurt yourself, or have any other mental health concerns, check out this service for free mental health counselling and helpful resources on mental health and addiction. If you would like to be connected to a counsellor for a virtual session please call MHTO at 1-866-585-6486. No problem is too big or too small.
Resources for Coping with Stress from COVID-19
Uncertainty and stress are not uncommon feelings during the COVID-19 pandemic. The best way to eliminate unease is to know the facts. Check out the resources found on the Canada Youth Network for a comprehensive self-assessment tool, credible information & other resources. Watch their National Youth Webinar on COVID-19 and Mental Health for more information.
Cyber Security Awareness by TCDSB
The past 18+ months have shifted the way we rely on and interact with technology. In all areas of our lives, we have seen an unprecedented increase in the use of technology and the internet for staying connected, for recreation, for online learning, and more. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we learn to protect ourselves online. Check out these TCDSB resources and tips on cyber security awareness and learn how to improve your awareness of the traces of data you leave online and recognizing how your individual digital footprints vary can help to improve the protection of your online data.